These early apples are tasting sweeter than they should.Prematurely plucked from curling barks and entwining limbs,they’ll soon be caught in the nettled tarpwith a sting that’s sweeter tooand sweeter still, from the hand of Eve.The cut nailed serpent, housing barley in their bed.They’ve been measuring magic potions among their good graces.Three, to be exact.Our tail […]
Residency 2022, ongoing work in progressPerched in the attic of the original 330year old Milford House I look out and seethe forest of ancient trees surrounding the house. I am drawn to the 250-year-oldbeech trees weighed down by 100,000’s of spiky beech mast. A day spentcollecting hundreds of beech nuts led to hours of painstaking […]
We believe that art is an evocation of a fragment of life. The reality of life is indeed complex and can be faithfully conveyed by the coexistence of various means of expression. Over the past year, we have shared our individual researches, which have seemed complementary to each other and have allowed us to grow […]