7pm 9th of December At Live Art Ireland at Milford House Tipperary and available online We will be presenting Performances by Ella De Burca & Olivia Hasset alongside a screening of Venus Patels performative film Eggshells additionally we have made a members call out for work and additional films and performances will be presented on […]
These early apples are tasting sweeter than they should.Prematurely plucked from curling barks and entwining limbs,they’ll soon be caught in the nettled tarpwith a sting that’s sweeter tooand sweeter still, from the hand of Eve.The cut nailed serpent, housing barley in their bed.They’ve been measuring magic potions among their good graces.Three, to be exact.Our tail […]
Born in Curitiba, Bachelor in Painting from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (2012) and Post-Graduation in Visual Poetics – EMBAP/Unespar (2014). In 2022 he participates in Kaaysa Residência in Boiçucanga / SP with Agnaldo Farias. In 2020 he is part of the painting follow-up group with Regina Parra and Rodolpho (2020) Parigi. In 2019, […]
Link to Zoom on 23rd of May at 7pm FBI+ A in Association with Live-Art Ireland Please Click on this link to sign up for the eventbrite Zoom on the 23 of May at 7pm ‘ What’s old, really old? Imagine Edna, Methuselah’s mum outliving her son. Landscape does that, what about artefacts? How can […]
This live art video was commissioned by Come Hell or High Water a series of monthly events at low tide in London Docklands taking place 2019-20. The project is produced by Sarah Andrew, Anne Bean, George Pringle and Phoebe Patey-Ferguson, initially activated with Hayley Newman. Deej Fabyc and MJ Newell made this live to camera […]