the landscape is an archival process of covering and uncovering layerings of stories and unheard voices compressed, exposed, covered, re-covered and recovered. earthed stories: i’m exploring edges and borders, boundaries and interfaces between ‘borderlands’ – here it is as mud is – between water and land – not mixing but holding particles both bonded and suspended – and aim to explore the suspension of language in favour of utterances, gestures and performative enquiries into what it means to hold space for inarticulatable experiences. I propose a series of performative gestures in the land that underpins my current research into defences, boundaries, borders, lack of representation of un/earthed voices. “Cuando vives en la frontera people walk through you, the wind steals your voice, you’re a burra, buey, scapegoat, forerunner of a new race, half and half—both woman and man, neither— a new gender;” Gloria Andalúza
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