Minns is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus on music technology, video, live and eco-art. Their practice has evolved from being bass guitarist in bands to using wearable technology to generate soundscapes via the body’s movement. A continuing martial arts practice feeds into this work via influencing the body’s movement vocabulary. They are founder member of collective live eco art events Be-coming Tree and live art gang FBI+A. Minns has also been a complementary health practitioner for over 20 years using reflexology and energy healing, with an interest in using locally sourced herbal remedies.
Performance & Technology residency
Minns likes unexpected combinations, believing in the supreme connection of all forms and all beings. By combining ancient, esoteric movement forms with state of the art technology there is a sense of circularity, a laugh at the supposed linearity of time, and the hope that the resultant soundscapes might have a cosmic resonance. Minns wishes to create new forms that do not answer the right questions.
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