Live Art IrelandResults – Fluid bodies 001Alex Billingham27/05/23What form does survival take when it begins from a position outside of the cis white male?How does trans survival taste?When you add in a dash of Neuro spicy?Where can Crip survival form itself in safety?I began with a picture of a brightly painted arctic survival shelter and […]
I arrived at the SOIL residency, with a bag of peat, collected from Knockmore on Clare Island. I felta preciousness in the peat, derived partly from my feeling of ‘hiraeth’ – homesickness, for theisland. I found this feeling to mirror the current precious reality of the bogland; as it rests andrestores, it is now recognised […]
GRASS – APPLICATION DEADLINE May 22nd This OPEN CALL for Artists in Residence from June to November 2023 at LIVE ART IRELANDAT MILFORD HOUSE. Residencies 3-6 weeks from available from May 30th to August 5th and from September 1st to November 30th. The residency is called ‘Grass’ because it asks artists to look down and […]
At Live-Art Ireland I am working on a project entitled ‘The Collective Womb’ which explores the interconnections between the womb and the earth at a time of increasing restrictions on reproductive rights and the ongoing climate crisis. The videos are made using stop-motion animation by rearranging mud into mythological narratives. The project involves reframing abortion […]
Kira O’Reilly (b. 1967) is an Irish artist currently based in Helsinki; her practice is willfully interdisciplinary and celebrates an undisciplinarity, stems from a visual art background. It employs performance, sculpture, biotechnical practices, writing and experimental media with which to consider speculative reconfigurations of The Body in its most expanded sense, across multiple spaces, scales […]