Inspired by fibromyalgia™* and a constant use of the expression “feeling sluggish” Sarah Devereux embraces this enforced Slug State™. Using the slug as the ultimate symbol of slowing down. After many years of being in a constant state of production within her arts practice Devereux became interested in interrogating ideas around labour & capitalist production. Her practice explores a chaotic ideal of MORE IS MORE. Under the umbrella of play LIVE LAUGH SLUG™ challenges this by embracing slowness, playfulness & skills based process. I will use this residency to: – Through research & experimentation with inks, paint, clay I will create a workshop centred around the theme of “Live Laugh Slug” to invite others experiencing Fibromyalgia, Burnout, CFS etc to join me and embrace the LIVE LAUGH SLUG way of life. – Embodied research through connecting with nature, serious of short video performances.
Image “We went back to the Ballyfinboy Castle ruins yesterday, but this time armed with a ladder, shears, determination and more protective clothes (1000s of nettles). We (let’s be real @__heathergray__ did all the chopping as we held the ladder) chopped away a chunk of several years worth of ivy growth to REVEAL THE SHEELA!!! Ballyfinboys Dancing Sheela!!!!! SHE IS GLORIOUS!!!!! SHE IS ALIVE!!!!!!”
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